
We welcome the opportunity to share our global knowledge and experience through our seminar programme. We have presented hundreds of events to our clients, all with a practical focus and delivered by professionals from our team with a hands-on knowledge of the topic who can illustrate their talks with anecdotes and real project examples.
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08:00 AM Tuesday 13 Jun 2023

Breakfast Seminar - Conflict Avoidance

Avoiding Disputes in the Construction and Engineering Industry

Since its introduction in 1998, adjudication has become the most common form of alternative dispute resolution in the UK construction and engineering industry, and its use has expanded internationally.

When disagreements, opposing opinions or principles arise on a project, the parties need to recognise that a dispute may be emerging, and that there are alternative methods that can be deployed to deal with the matter before it escalates, significant legal and other costs are incurred, and commercial relationships suffer.

Two decades later, in early 2018, the Conflict Avoidance Pledge was initiated by several of the UK’s leading construction and engineering professional bodies. Conflict avoidance is the best practice approach to avoid conflict and proactively seek to resolve disputes appropriately.


  • Why the industry must avoid conflict
  • Conflict Avoidance Toolkit (CAT)
  • Key steps to avoid conflict
  • Dispute resolution techniques
  • Conflict Avoidance Pledge
    • Project collaborative working
    • Conflict avoidance mechanisms
    • Proactive resolution
    • Early identification
    • Industry wide collaboration
09:00 AM Tuesday 22 Feb 2022

Breakfast Seminar - Construction Law Update 2023

Another year has passed and once again it is time for our annual law review.

Our seminar will focus on the key judgments from the last 12 months that have practical implications for the industry.


  • Clarity of Payless Notices
  • “Netting off” adjudication decisions
  • Smash and grab adjudications and true value
  • Adjudication and CVA’s in the post Bresco landscape
  • Expert evidence and quantum
  • Experts and independence
  • Final certificates; adjudication and conclusivity
  • “Without prejudice” final account negotiations

Richard Morris, Head of Expert Services Heads up our expert services, provides testimony under cross examination and has advised on 100’s of adjudications.

09:00 AM Wednesday 19 Oct 2022

Breakfast Seminar - Inflation, exceptional times!

According to the Financial Times, the UK inflation rate hit a 40 year high of 10.1% in July 2022, the first double-digit rate since February 1982.

Rising prices consistently dominate UK press reports and present a very challenging outlook for the coming months and years. Our breakfast seminar will take a closer look at how these challenges are impacting the UK Construction Industry and will outline some of the key issues we are facing, as well as exploring solutions we can deploy to protect our projects and businesses from this unprecedented uncertainty.


  • What exactly is inflation?
  • How does UK inflation compare with the rest of the world?
  • How is inflation influencing the Tender Price Index (TPI) and UK work pipeline?
  • In what way is inflation impacting ongoing construction projects?
  • How do current construction contracts contemplate inflation, and how might this change?
  • Procurement v inflation.
  • What does history teach us about where this might be going?
  • What can we do to mitigate our exposure?